Applying dust control agents’

Prepare the road surface first. Blade away all ruts, potholes, washboards, and loose excess surface material to expose a hard surface. You may need to add moistened aggregate or fines to ensure proper compaction. Fines may be bladed from shoulders onto surface.  Recycled asphalt can also be used as a source of aggregate when sufficient fines are present. Make the additions in layers, blending with existing material.  Shape the road surface into a proper crown of 1⁄2 inch per foot. If normal traffic will not adequately compact the road, use a rubber-tired roller to compact the bladed and shaped surface.  Since standing water is the main cause of potholes and road base failure, reshape shoulders to promote runoff, clean ditches for good drainage, and clean and repair culverts for proper drainage.

Spreading chlorides and other penetrating agents

Make the initial application in spring before dust coat develops and when no heavy rain is expected for at least 36 hours. Use the recommended application temperatures and rates for the material you are using. Reduce the amount of application by half for roads which have been treated previously.

  • MAGNESIUM Chloride